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ESG Ratings
ESG Ratings
ESG Evaluation Results of Daekyo
대교 ESG 평가 결과 목록
Category E (Environmental) S (Social) G
Integrated grade
Total 4.3% 40.6% 39.3% B+
Grade C B+ B+

※ Companies subject to ESG evaluation in 2023 : 987 companies in total

Overview of ESG Evaluation
Introduction of ESG Evaluation
'Sustainable management' is a phrase that has undoubtedly become a 21st century global issue.
Sustainable management is derived from 'sustainable development', which is defined as "Development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs" in the report 'Our Common Future’ published by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987.

The term ‘ESG’ stands for environment, society, and governance, and is a key factor the UN PRI (UN Principles for Responsible Investment) urges companies to consider when making investment decisions. Sustainable management is meant to enhance company stability through transparent governance, to help analyze each company's impact on the environment and society, and to help companies make a positive impact so they may achieve sustainable growth in the long run.
Goals of ESG Evaluation
the Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS) has developed its own ESG evaluation model to enhance the social responsibility of listed companies in Korea. It is meant to encourage ESG-centric activities while promoting responsible investment by investors. This model follows international standards such as ISO26000, etc., but as a Korean evaluation model taking into account the needs of Korean companies, it aims to provide information on principles and standards for socially responsible management.
ESG evaluation supplements the evaluations of social and environmental categories in existing governance evaluations in order to promote and enhance the sustainable development of listed corporations in Korea.
ESG Rating System
Since 2013, the ESG rating system has changed from the existing 5 grade system to the newly announced 7 grade system, with new grades of S and D added.
Names and Interpretations of Each ESG Grade
ESG 등급별 명칭 및 해석 목록
Rating System Since 2013 Interpretations of Grades
S The company is fully equipped with the system proposed by the Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS) in its environmental, social, and corporate governance model standards, and has very little room to cause damage to shareholder value due to ESG risks.
A+ The company is fully compliant with the system proposed by the Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS) in its environmental, social, and corporate governance model standards, and has very little room to cause damage to shareholder value due to ESG risks.
A The company is mostly compliant with the system proposed by the Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS) in its environmental, social, and corporate governance model standards, and has a little room to cause damage to shareholder value due to ESG risks.
B+ The company needs to put more effort into the system proposed by the Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS) in its environmental, social, and corporate governance model standards, and has areas which may cause damage to shareholder value due to ESG risks.
B The company needs to put a lot of effort into the system proposed by the Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS) in its environmental, social, and corporate governance model standards, and has areas which will damage to shareholder value due to ESG risks.
C The company absolutely must put more effort into the system proposed by the Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS) in its environmental, social, and corporate governance model standards, and has large areas which will cause damage to shareholder value due to ESG risks.
D The company is barely using the system proposed by the Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS) in its environmental, social, and corporate governance model standards, and there is considerable concern over the inherent damage to shareholder value due to ESG risks.